The Pensieve

I have sat down to write about non-travel, after a long time. Till today I did not feel like writing. The reason for my enthusiasm today is - EXERCISE! I can't believe I am feeling so good about it :)

I keep taking breaks with my exercise routine. Sometimes I am tempted to join classes, but havent been able to motivate myself to join. Sometimes, I get bored to work out at home. A few days ago, one of my friends gave me a small handbook, which she bought from Uttarkashi (while she was there for her one month yoga training program). I finally started using it, the first page has a time table for my weekly exercise. I am a lover of extremes, in anything. So even in my exercise, I want a combination of everything. So here is how my weekly routine goes -

Mon - 20 suryanamaskaras
Tue - No exercise
Wed - Yoga Pilates
Thur - Zumba
Fri - Morning Yoga
Sat - Walk
Sun - Walk

Ok, so today being Thursday, I did Zumba, after a very loong time. And I am feeling soo good :D I was having so much fun while doing it! After the workout, I felt like I had just returned from a fun dance party!!

I am very happy about the above workout schedule for myself, as it covers everything I want to do. I love outdoors. So on weekends I just cannot exercise at home. I started this from last Friday, and I intend to stick to it every week.

Basically, putting my thoughts into a book or blog helps. I used to be good with exercise, but from the last few months I had gotten lazy. As soon as I put it down in the book, I was motivated enough to follow it. I always tell others to write down their thoughts. Its always helped me, it helps in clearing up our head. Most of the time, we have sooo many thoughts in our head, that we may struggle to understand them or prioritize them. Putting it down on a paper or someplace, where you can see and sort them the way we want :)

Its funny, but I am reminded of a scene from Harry Potter's book - Goblet of Fire. Dumbledore (the headmaster of the magical school) has a big vessel called "Pensieve", where he stores his memories. Since he has too many thoughts in his head, he removes his thoughts and dumps it in this pensieve, so that he can review it at a later point. :D We can all create our own pensieve in the form of a book, sheet of paper, cell phone, blog, mail etc :D. The "todo" list is also a pensieve, where we list down all the activities we want to do at some point.

It has helped me in bringing in discipline in terms of exercising :)

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