
Dec 10
After much debate on the place, we all agreed on Kabini. Next came the place to stay in Kabini. We checked many resorts and compared the rooms and cost and finalized on orange county resorts.

On our way 

I am just bursting with excitement to describe the beauty of this place - Kabini! I am wondering why it took us so many years to visit this place. 7 of us left from Bangalore at 7am sharp in 2 cars. The traffic on Mysore road wasn't too bad even though it was a weekend. We stopped at Kamath for a nice breakfast for 30-45min and continued the journey. After Srirangapatna, we took a right at Mysore entrance onto the ring road. We have to stick to the ring road which eventually becomes Mananthvadi road. We just followed this road to HD Kote. And from here we see sign boards for all the resorts in Kabini. So we just follow these boards. Its roughly around 100km from Mysore.

We reached our resort at 1230pm. We were welcomed with kumkum and dhol :) The sitting area is very relaxing with a view of the Kabini river. After freshening up with wet towels and sugarcane juice, we were briefed about the place and activities planned. After finalizing our activities schedule, we headed to our room. On our way to the rooms we saw many sparrows enjoying in the sun :) There are 37 cottages of 2 kinds - pool huts and jacuzzi huts. We are staying in the jacuzzi hut. I immediately fell in love with the rooms! The rooms are designed on tribal theme.

View from the sitting area

The weather was quite hot. We changed and went to the restaurant to have lunch. It was buffet style, and had a huge spread. Very yummy food! A quick nap and we were up and ready to explore the place :) Each of us did our own thing - AN and uncle went to the spa, Amma, Appa and aunt sat and chatted, A and I jumped into the swimming pool. One of the best pools, it reminded me of the pool in Gaulle, only difference being, here it was a river, there it was the ocean! It is an infinite pool. Had a GREAT time in the water, spent about 90 minutes here. The serenity of the Kabini water just does wonders to us. A mynah came by and started drinking water from the pool, a flock of 50 mynahs took off from the bank and flew! Love all these sights! The clouds above the mountains looked like smoke from a volcano.


It was tea and snack-time. The highlight so far has been watching the sun-set!! One of the most beautiful scenes I have seen for 30min. We must have seen all shades of colors in the sky during the 30minutes. I cannot describe the beauty in words. Appa and I enjoyed each and every moment of watching the sun-set :)

We had tea and chilly bajji on the river bank. We went to a sit-out kind of a wooden structure on the water, and the view from this place is amazing! India is definitely one of the most beautiful countries in the world!  We spent sometime here, till it got dark and headed to the ayurvedic spa. We got the foot massage done here which was again extremely good- Padabhyanga.

Today being a total lunar eclipse day, we got to see the moon (huge moon) getting covered by earth gradually with bare eyes. The resort people had also set-up a telescope where we could see the details of the moon! Just beautiful.

There was tribal dance at 7.30pm, where we also danced with them in the end :) Dinner at 8 - huge spread with all kinds of variety. Eat, eat, ate, ate :)

Dec 11
I really slept like a log last night. Woke up at 540am, and went out. We sat near the pool for sometime and got ready for the nature walk at 7am. We were given binoculars to see the birds. We were accompanied by a very knowledgeable naturalist, Venkat. We saw lot of different kinds of birds during our 2 hours walk. Colorful and beautiful! Eagrets, mynahs, 2 huge montreal wood owls etc. My favorite bird of the trip is kingfisher!!

Back to the resort by 9am, had a heavy breakfast and tea, returned to the room. Chilled out in our balcony. 11am was our appointment at the spa. I got something new, an ayurvedic specialty - Shirodhara. It was for one hour - head and neck massage with oil first and then they pour hot oil, herbal decoctions and medicated milk (1litre) over the forehead for about 30minutes. Then they wash the hair. I loved this particular massage!

Went to the pool and spent 1 1/2 hours here. Lunch and later a 5min nap on the pool chair. And it was jacuzzi time for me :)

330pm boat safari - 2hrs 45min. We saw 24 elephants, loot of birds, spotted deer, sambha, wild pigs, beautiful peacock. All the elephants were kicking their right front leg against the grass, pulling it out and cleaning the mud from the grass. Our guide Arjun told us that they were doing this to clean the grass and eat them. Sunset from the boat was again very beautiful, more pictures, back and masala chai with snacks. Forest video at 730pm, dinner and sleep :)


Dec 12
Woke up at 530am, love waking up early on trips, to experience the morning freshness of this place. It got bright only around 615am. Had tea in the room and went out to meet the rest of the gang.

It was cold at this time, so finally got a chance to wear the thick jackets we had carried :) We walked down to the river. Its amazing how different the river looks during different times of the day. The mountains were covered with mist. We could see the mist moving just above the river. A beautiful sight. There is a jetty (wooden platform) few feet in the water. We spent sometime here, watching the birds and sun rise. I didn't expect to see sun-rise as we were on the opposite side. But there was a small clearing that let us see the sun-rise! The sun rays started clearing the mist slowly, I loved watching it :)

Sun Rise

The people who had booked for morning walk cancelled and so the naturalist from the resort was free and he started chatting with us. We spotted a beautiful Oriole which is very rare to spot in open. Its seen only in the wild (is what Venkat said). He took us on a bird watch walk again for one hour. Thanks to Mr.Venkat, we got to learn so much about birds. And each and every bird is so beautiful. Few birds were migratory birds that had flown from colder places like the Himalayas or Antartica. We saw Westwood, Jungle lodges and Serai resorts on the other side of the river bank. He narrated so many stories about the place, forest, animals, birds. Very interesting. Thanks Mr.Venkat :)

We came back and had a quite breakfast by the river side. Went on a coracle ride for 15-20 minutes. The water was so calm.

Overall a GREAT trip! LOVELY place, on the banks of river Kabini, between Bandipur forest and Nagarhole forest. And GOOD family time. Thanks Aunty, Uncle, Amma, Appa, AN and A :)

We saw these birds (so many :-)) - 
Barn swallow
Eurasian Golden Oriel
Motteled wood owl
Lil egret
Open billed stork
White breasted water hen
Coppersmith barbet
India robin
Plum headed parakeet
Brahmini kite and mynah
Common mynah and jungle mynah
Purple sunbird female
Grey heron
Asian koel
Black drongo
White browed wagtail
Laughing, spotted, eurasia ring dove
Greater cormarent, lil cormarent
Black headed ibis
White browed bulbul
Common and white browed kingfisher
River tern
Grey wagtail


  1. Awesome awesome awesome... Too good notes and amazing pics

  2. Arindoo.,
    I did not know that you are such a good narrator and a reporter. Another hidden talent revealed. It is amazing that you remember so many different birds. You have exceptional memory.
    You should take up different vocation, become travel log reporter.
    Good luck and good job.

  3. I am sorry, I should give credit also Ramya with this narration and posting. It seems to be duo effort.
    Thanks again.

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