Joy of small things

Ohh, the joy of small things!!

A friend got me a coffee mug from my favorite coffee place - Starbucks. And every time I have Coffee or Tea in this mug, I feel soo happy :)

Sipping coffee/tea in our garden takes me to another world of happiness :)

I saw a sparrow in our garden today, sparrows have become a very rare sight these days. Everyone in our house felt so happy that a sparrow visited our garden :)

Watching the mangoes grow in our garden, seeing my tomato plant getting taller everyday, listening to birds chirping, staying at home on a Sunday_ _ _ and the list goes on!

Its not just me, many of us feel excited about smaller things like this. Its so important to enjoy these day to day things in life. I feel it helps in appreciating life around us a lot more.

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