
Tomorrow is friendship day. I so want to send a huge box of chocolates to to all my friends! Would have loved to meet each one personally, but that is not going to happen. So I am going to settle to a virtual chocolate box I guess. 

A friendship - a beautiful bond between two living beings! It can be between a child and an old person, an adult and an animal, two children, two adults, two older people - a bond can be formed between any two living beings! The beauty of it is that every single bond formed is equally special. At every phase we create bonds, starting from day one. A bond is formed when one visits a one day old child, a bond with the nanny, with our maids, with our co-workers, with just everyone we come across. 

Celebrating all kinds of friendships with every single person I have met! Each one has touched my life in various ways and brought so much joy! I can't imagine a life without each and everyone of you 😊 Thanks to ALL my friends ❤❤❤💕💕💕💕

Though today is just another day and we don't need one day to celebrate any relationship, I am using it as an oppurtunity to talk and remember ALL the people in my life and the uniqueness of each one and to cherish all the good times we have spent together and looking forward to many many many more. 

I am reminded of a conversation I had with few children about making a new friend this month 😁 How many of us try and make a new friend once we get older? Of course when it happens organically it is great. But once we reach a certain age, we tend to tell ourselves that we have enough friends or that we don't even have time for our existing friends and we leave it at that. Won't it be nice to try and make a special bond with someone new every once in a while? It need not be a complete stranger, but an existing acquintance that we try to get to know better or someone we meet on a daily basis but hardly say more words than a hello or reviving an old friendship. It could be just anyone, but we should try as we never know where the bonds are hiding or right in front of us staring 😇

And let us celebrate our best friend of all - ourselves 😊😍  No matter how many times we forget, we are our own best friends first! 

Cheers to everything and everyone 💝