
Gratitude - such a powerful word! It has been the highlight of this year for me! Being thankful for everything we have is the only mantra that will get us through life! We face and see lot of things, but at every step, at every stage of life's journey there will be at least one thing for which we can feel thankful

For example, so many people are involved in building the houses we live in, schools, offices, the list goes on and on. But how many of us really think about all the people who made this happen. Yes, we have paid the people who worked, but is that all? Can we say a 'one second' thank you in our minds to people? Most of us explain to our children why we do not waste food. But do young children really understand the reason? I have started explaining to my little ones about how food reaches our plates, how food travels from the farm to plate - how much effort a farmer has to put in to grow the crops, how they grow and sell - there are so many people and processes involved to ensure we have our yummy food. Should we not be thankful to all the people? Doesn't it make sense to say a 'one second' thank you everyday?

Being conscious about what we have makes us open our eyes to a different world around us. Let us try it! It helps us find joy in the little things that we often tend to ignore. 

It is Christmas time and end of the year 2020 - seems like a oxymoron? Let us make a choice - to find things to be thankful for, no matter what! 

Here's bidding farewell to 2020 and welcoming a fresh new year - 2021!!

My early morning 10km walk!

Morning freshness

So grateful for amazing friends!

Cubbon park picnic

Merry Christmas :)

Yummy plum cake made by my friend's mom

An amazing trek to Makali Durga