The Joy of Parenting 2

I don't know what to name this post. It might be a mixture of many things. We started swimming classes for my older one. And this was the first time he was attending any kind of class. The only reason we felt right about sending him to these classes were because he loves water, and he was trying to swim with his floats on. So we felt he was ready and would enjoy it.

Surprise, surprise! Day 1 he cried loudly thru out the class. He had to be forced into the pool and forced to do everything the first day.

We became famous, the mom who carried a baby and got a crying kid to swimming classes daily!

The good thing was parents weren't allowed to watch, so we had to drop the kids at the entrance to the pool and leave. So I had 50-60 min to myself, which I spent with my friend from school at a nearby cafe, chatting non stop while enjoying tea and idlis.

I agree that it is not a big deal for kids to cry before going to a class. So I tried to remain calm while I  made 2 crying kids (younger one also would cry as both wanted to be carried by me) get inside the car, strap them in their car seats, drive to the swimming place, walk down from the parking lot, and finally drop my older one. So one can imagine how much I cherished the time I spent at the cafe before I picked him up. And I would be so happy to see him come out with a smile on his face.

I would not have written this post if he hadn't fallen sick (how I wish)! On day 3 of swimming, he threw up and came down with fever. The fever lasted 6 days, the usual course of a viral fever. And for the first time in his life he got eye allergy! He could not open his eyes in the morning after he woke up. He complained about ear pain for a day. Once the fever and eye allergy subsided he started a cough which has lasted for 3 weeks! And the one thing that used to freak me out was him saying he couldn't hear properly.

18 classes, we didn't miss a single class (am not saying it proudly), and the last class they let the parents watch the kids for one hour! I am so tempted to post the video of my boy swimming! YES! He jumps into the water and swims (they haven't taught the breathing part yet).

After the classes got over we had to start him on antibiotics for his cough! His ear is back to normal and we are jumping back to normalcy!

The reason for this post is not to complain about parenting. I have always felt that we learn everyday from everything and everyone. And I have learned and grown a lot as a parent from this experience. I guess it again proves my belief that we need mainly 2 things as a parent - a strong heart and lot of patience!!

There are so many ways to look at it - I could have stopped his classes from day 3. Would have been the easiest choice. But the only thing that kept me going was that I knew that if we worked hard for few days, he would enjoy the experience for the rest of his life! Of course he would have learnt it once he was little older. May be it would have been easier then. But who knows. Well, he has been pestering us to take him swimming (not to the class) and says he wants to swim in his regular pool :) So we have a happy child and a happy parent now :) :)


We usually travel once a year with our aunt and uncle who live in the US, when they visit India. So this time we finalized on Bekal, Kerala. One can drive from Bangalore to Bekal, or can take a flight to Mangalore, which is the closest airport. Bekal is a small town, situated in Kasargod district. We took a morning flight on a Friday from Bangalore and reached Mangalore in 1 hour. From Mangalore we had our hotel cars waiting for us at the airport. The drive is around 1 1/2 to 2 hours from Mangalore to Bekal. 

All 9 of us reached the Taj Vivanta resort by 12.30 - 1pm. Taj vivanta is a lovely property in Bekal with access to the Kappil beach from inside the resort. 
Reception area

Kids can feed fish

After having the fresh welcome drink, we checked-in to our rooms. With a houseboat like entrance, the room was just perfect, with a patio, an open courtyard, swing bed in the courtyard and A PRIVATE POOL! 

Entrance to our room

Welcome to our room

We quickly freshened up, had fresh juice at the restaurant and jumped into the common big swimming pool. As expected, it was hot, and so it was perfect to be in the pool. After swimming for more than one hour, we came back to our room and had a quick bite. 

We got ready and headed out to see the famous Bekal fort. It was around a 20 min drive to the fort from the hotel. The fort is beautiful and widely spread. The other side of the fort is the Arabian sea. One of the songs from the movie "Bombay" was shot in this fort :) So one can imagine the beauty of this place. We need at least 2 hours to walk inside the whole place.

After exploring the fort, we headed back to our hotel. We had masala tea in the hotel before exploring the resort. And around 6pm, A and I did kayaking on the backwaters. It was sooo good! I just LOVE any water activity. The greenary and the water makes me sooo happy!!!  We had loads of FUN kayaking that evening. 

Kayaking area

We spent sometime sitting near the backwaters and absorbing the nature and peace :) 

Backwaters and beach at the end

We walked around for some more time before heading to the restaurant to have dinner. We had a buffet dinner which was widely spread. The food was fantastic! I literally tried each and everything that was vegetarian on the buffet spread :D - starting from salads, starters to main course and desserts :) And also went for a second serving of the items I liked :p 

The kids were fast asleep even before we reached the room. They were exhausted with so many activities that day. So A and I got time to sit near the pool with our feet in water and chat. And before falling asleep, I got some TV-time :D I love watching tv before dozing off. So it was perfect :D

Bathtub in the courtyard

Private plunge pool

The next day we got up early, had awesome coffee at the patio, listening to birds and went down to the beach to watch the sun rise. We walked along the beach for one hour, with the waves hitting us on one side and sand one the other. Kids ran around, making sand castles, picking up shells, getting wet and jumping around.

Fishermen at work

We all started feeling hungry and so walked back to the restaurant to have a heavy breakfast. It was a buffet spread and we made full justice to our tummies :p

We walked around for a while and spent all the time till lunch in the private pool. The kids had a blast. They were on their own with the floats on. A and I were able to practice our swimming. Grandparents sat near the pool chatting and watching kids play :)             

Then it was time to kayak. We had an amazing time kayaking from one end of the backwaters to the other which was a beach - it was beautiful and peaceful! It was perfect and I loved it! We need to find places near Bangalore where we can do kayaking often :)

Kayaking on the backwaters

It was time to eat again, well, we had earned it after kayaking :p We had a quick lunch and headed back to the room where we jumped into the private plunge pool. The kids have spent most of their time in water during this trip. By 3.30 it was time for us to visit the Jiva Grande Spa. The spa is one of the best in Asia and as expected we enjoyed and loved the experience here. It was again perfect.

Bridge to the spa

As soon as I was done at the spa, I walked to the beach to watch the beautiful sun set. The whole gang were already there enjoying the view. We spent sometime here till it got dark. We got back to our room, and spent time at the pool. Later we went to the restaurant where we had yummy buffet dinner. 

Moon after sunset :)

Dinner time

The kids slept right after dinner, while we sat at the pool and relaxed. I again watched tv before sleeping which was a big bonus :)

We got up early the next morning, had coffee on the patio, listened to lots and lots of birds. 

View from our room

We watched the sunrise and the morning freshness near the backwaters was unbeatable. It was very serene!

View of our room from the backwaters


The best part of a trip is that everyone gets to do their own thing. The kids run around or play with whatever and wherever. 

We had a heavy yummy buffet breakfast, after which we stayed in the pool till it was time for us to get ready and leave. 

After every trip we feel that we should visit the place once every year :) When we start planning for the next holiday we always end up visiting a new place as there are soooo many places to see!

We drove till the airport in Mangalore and boarded the flight. We were back in Bangalore by evening.

An amazing trip and great company. Thanks Anu for everything. Thanks aunty, uncle, amma and appa :) It was a FUN trip.