Little things

We always here the saying "Take care of small things, and the bigger things will take care of itself". How true is that!! 200% I was chatting with one of my cousins few minutes ago, and I told him that its nice to celebrate the small things in life. And thats when it hit me - the mantra of life is to take care of the small things, the small things in our day to day lives. And the bigger things will follow. 

Most of us agree that the bigger things in life are usually not in our control. And our happiness always depends on those bigger things (at least thats what we tell ourselves). We keep thinking that if we got that dream job, we will be the happiest person; if we build that dream house, we will be happier; if we marry someone, we will be happy; if we travel abroad, we will be happy and at peace; there is no end to these bigger things! And we will keep waiting for something big to happen thru-out our lives.

The smaller things are usually in our control, and can be achieved easily. And trust me, this brings happiness into our lives immediately, on a daily basis. Isn't that what we all want - to be happy every day! The small things can be as silly as laughing with someone or as easy as having a cup of tea with a friend/relative/alone or bringing a smile on someone's face or cleaning our outdoors/road/community! There are 100000000s of small things that can bring happiness to each one of us. We have to just choose those that make us happy, on a daily basis and we are good to go :)

Great Britain

Its time! For me to write about our awesome experience in the UK!!

Yes, we finally decided to venture out towards the European side. The motivation this time being, one of our close friends who live in UK. Once we decided to travel, we booked our flight tickets, applied for visa, and then chalked out our plan. We had not traveled abroad for 2 years! So one can imagine the excitement involved :) AND it was our first big trip with our little one.

As usual, I wanted to see lot of places in the 2 weeks we had in UK. I started reading online, bought "lonely planet - The Great Britain" book and of course our friends were our main guides.

We had exactly 14 days in UK, excluding the travel days. We left early Saturday morning from Bangalore on British airways to New Castle, with a stopover at London.

As soon as we got off the plane and entered the Heathrow airport, we were facing a different world! We could see people from all over the world and everyone running around. It was like a typical modern city life scene. We roamed around the airport while window shopping and had lunch and snacks in one of the nice places in the airport. We reached New Castle upon Tyne at night, our friends picked us up from the airport. We had a nice dinner at their house, chatted for a while and crashed for the night.

Our little one woke up at 4am the next morning, fully fresh. It gets bright by 5am during this time of the year (July end - Aug beginning). We all woke up refreshed on the Sunday morning. We had breakfast at home and headed out for a nice walk nearby. It was slightly windy but pleasant weather. We got back home and after freshening up, went out for lunch. We had lunch at Giraffe restaurant and shopped a bit at Tesco for some groceries and other necessities required for the rest of our stay.

In the evening we had a barbeque dinner at home which was a lot of fun. We had purchased the use and throw barbeque trays from Tesco. Our friends D and M have a lovely back yard at their house. We had a yummy dinner with a nice salad, paneer grill and veggie burgers in the backyard.

The next day, being a bright sunny day, was perfect for strawberry picking :) A made croissants at home, so we had the same along with bagels and cream cheese and scrambled eggs for breakfast. We went to Brockbushes, about 16 miles from NCL, where they have a huge farm for berries picking. We started off by having an awesome soup, snacks and tea at the coffee shop in the farm. Our little one loved picking strawberries. He was on his own most of the time, roaming around the field, picking and filling the basket with hay :) We all had a GREAT time. The strawberries were the yummiest and juiciest! I must have eaten about a kilo of strawberries before we were finished :) Pluck, eat; Pluck and fill the basket. It was a looot of FUN :) In the end, we get the basket weighed and pay. My basket was FULL :) We also picked few blackberries and raspberries.

We were driving back to NCL from Brockbushes, on the way we saw a board to a small town called Corbridge. We stopped here, and we were so glad that we did. It was a very cute little town, with a cute street and small shops all along. There was a very tiny bridge where only one car could pass at a time. So they had a signal at the end of both sides of the bridge to ensure that only cars in one direction pass at a time :) We walked around, and had tea and yummy snacks at a small local tea shop, sitting at the tables on the street. I visited a bookstore that was opposite to the coffee shop. As soon as I entered the store, the sweet smell of books welcomed me! Just reminded me why I love bookstores so much. I spent sometime here, glancing thru everything. We walked back, bought souvenirs at a store and headed back to New Castle.

The 'one-car-lane' bridge

View from the bridge

In the evening we put on our swim wear and hit Blythe beach. It was the first beach visit for A2, and he LOVED it!  He was SOOOO excited. He ran into the water and realized that it was coming towards him and stopped and then it retreated. The water was very cold but he was kicking his feet around, splashing water with his hands and soon he was sitting on the beach and loving the water coming up to him. He just did not want to get out of the water. We all played in the cold water and lay on the beach. It was a beautiful beach!

We got back home, had a nice meal and chatted for a while, before we slept. And we had the strawberries that we had picked with rich cream :D

On Tuesday we had croissants, bagels, cinnamon rolls, scrambled eggs for breakfast and started driving to Alnwick, where the Harry Potter movie was filmed at the Alnwick Castle. Alnwick is about 30 miles from NCL. This was again a small cute town and we enjoyed the walk here. We walked along the streets, seeing all the stores from outside, and stepped into a few cute stores to buy souvenirs. I got some very English curios/gift items.

It was time for lunch, and we came across a board that said "Grannies" in front of a small shop. We went inside and checked if they had a table, and we were in luck! The lady said that a table was getting free in few minutes. The restaurant/tea room was in the basement with about 4-5 tables, a very cute lovely place! We were so glad to have found this place, it was a very local eat-out place and we loved the ambiance. We ordered food and drinks and tea. We absolutely LOVED each and everything we ordered. Enjoyed every minute here. After a heart filling meal, we came out and started walking to explore the rest of the town. We came to the city center where we sat down on one of the benches. It was nice to just sit there and watch the shops/cafe stores/people.

Inside Grannies

The tastiest Greek salad


City center, where we sat and watched

From Alnwick we drove to another castle called Warwick Castle. On the way, we took a detour and stopped on one of the small roads. We just chilled here for a while, enjoying the view and taking pictures. The weather had been perfect all along.

Warkworth Castle is beautiful, we sat outside the castle and enjoyed the view.

We headed back to NCL, and had dinner at home and relaxed while packing for the next 5 days travel down south.
We started early in the morning from NCL on Wednesday to York, which is about 2 hours drive, around 90 miles.

York is a lovely town, which is one the way to London from NCL. We reached York, parked near city center, and started exploring the place on foot. Loved the town. We walked around, there were tons of small shops all along the streets. At one of the junctions, there were people selling different kinds of things, one of them offering stylish braids/hair-dos. We stopped at a lovely fudge store, where we had the richest varieties of homemade fudges. We entered a liquor shop, where they write our names on the glass bottles. The bottles are of different shapes. We bought a small box that had 4 different kinds of home-made liquor.

There were people playing music on the streets, lot of cute shops selling many things. I could not resist entering most of the colorful shops and buying small things :) We stopped at a bookstore as well.


We saw the famous cathedral - York Minster and walked around.

York Minster

Street play

We came to the "Shambles" street. It is a small narrow street, with looot of small shops selling everything. This street was a part of the Harry Potter movie. I loved this street. We walked along here, stopping to visit the cute little shops on the way. By then we were hungry, and we had lunch at Chloe's of York restaurant. I had the most tasty tomato soup here.

We continued our journey towards London, and drove to Leicester, which is about 110 miles south of York. After briefly stopping in Leicester, we headed towards London. We had planned to stay at another friend's place near London. So we drove to their place, which is in Hemel Hempstead. It was dark by the time we reached Hemel. We had a lovely dinner prepared by our friends, V and S and ended the night talking.

We had lots planned for the next 2-3 days in London and had decided to use the tube to travel within London. We had breakfast at Premier Inn in Hemel, the next morning and drove to Stanmore, where we parked our cars at the Stanmore station. We took a full day pass for the tube, and boarded the train here (taking the Piccadilly line). We got down at Westminster Abbey, and ventured out. We  hung out near the Big Ben for a long time, as this was one of our favorite spots! We could see Big Ben, London Eye, Thames river  and the Westminster Abbey from the bridge.  

Big Ben

Thames River

Houses of Parliament

London Eye

My favorite place in London

There were lot of colorful taxis, lot of local people hurrying around and lot of tourists roaming around slowly. It was fun to watch the hustle and bustle of the city.

We did the "Royal London Walk", which is a lovely walking tour that covers most of the must-see places. The distance covered is around 4 miles and takes about 3-4 hours depending on your speed and interest (where we stop/spend more time). We covered the following places - Houses of Parliament, Westminster Hall, Westminster Abbey, Statue of Abraham Lincoln, St James park, Queen Victoria Memorial, Buckingham palace, Green Park, Trafalgar square and many other places.

In between we stopped for a quick local beer at one of the pubs. We walked past the new Scotland yard, sat down and had ice cream at St.James park while our little boy ran after pigeons and had a blast eating his first mango duet ice cream. 

We then saw Buckingham Palace, sat in front of the palace for a while and visited the gift shop where we bought marzipan, English breakfast tea, souvenirs and a London bus book for A2.  

Buckingham Palace

We bought lunch from a cart and ate while sitting at Hyde park before going to Trafalgar Square. 

Trafalgar Square

We walked towards Piccadilly circus and hung out there for a while. 

Piccadilly Circus

We took the tube to Westminster and went on a river cruise down the Thames river. After walking all day, it was a pleasant ride sitting on the cruise, with the cool breeze blowing, beer in the hand, and watching all the lovely monuments of London for an hour. We saw Gerkin/ Shard and other famous sky scrapers from a close distance. We went below the famous London bridge and the Tower of London bridge. We saw the tower bridge open for one of the bigger ships to go thru.

River Cruise start point

The Shard

Tower Bridge of London

We got a different view of the London downtown and were also able to yell at some of the folks crossing the bridges and got them to wave back at us. A little girl on the front of the boat was the most enthusiastic of all of us and it was hilarious to see :). 

London Bridge

We got off the cruise and took the tube to the Victoria station, where our open bus tour was scheduled to start. We picked up sub sandwiches and sat in the bus. It was a great tour, as the bus took us to many places and we got to see London in both day light and in the night for 80 minutes. We had a blast sitting on the top and seeing London from 15-20 feet above ground level :) Tower Bridge of London/ Strand Palace hotel/ Hyde park/ St James park and a lot of other places were covered. 

On the Tower Bridge

After the bus tour, we were done for the day, took a train back to Stanmore, got our cars and headed back home to Hemel. V was awake and waiting for us. We chatted a bit and quickly got ready to go to bed.

The next morning, we were re-energized after a good night's sleep. We again parked the car in Stanmore and took the tube to Southfields by changing tube at Westminster Abbey and again at Earl's Court to Southfields. 

Southfields is a quiet little town. We had breakfast at one of the tea houses, sitting outside by the road. We walked from Southfields station to Wimbledon, which is one straight road and about 2km. The row houses on the street were all very nice and we enjoyed the 30 minute walk.

As expected, it was an amazing feeling to enter the Wimbledon grounds :) We visited the center court at centercourt360 and imagined all the great games played there :D We enjoyed walking around the museum, reading about the history of tennis. The museum is quite nice. And of course we had to eat the famous strawberries and cream :)

Center Court

After buying a lot of small stuff from the gift shop at Wimbledon, we walked back to Southfields and took the train back to the center of London. We had planned to meet our friends at the Borough Market - an amazing place, where you get anything and everything to eat. Its like a farmers market, with lot of shops selling various kinds of eatables :)

It was a very nice comfortable place with a lot of sunlight and lots of cuisines. We had the BEST brownies and the BEST fresh orange juice here :D

We took the tube to Madam Tussaud's,  where we got quick access because of the pram and went thru the Bollywood section to the Hollywood section, to the sports section to the politician section. Some of us went thru the chamber of horror before taking the “taxi” ride thru London’s history which A2 enjoyed a lot and to the gift shop. Had a GREAT time here. It was a lot of fun to see and pose with all the wax monuments.

We needed coffee after the tour at Madam Tussaud's. We found a Starbucks and had coffee there. We took the tube to Stanmore and got into our cars. We drove around a bit, picked up dinner at Marks and Spencers and headed back to our friend's house in Hemel. We were up till late in the night, chatting with them.

The next day, we had a lovely Indian breakfast at V and S's home, before saying bye to them. We drove to Greenwich from Hemel which is about 30 miles. We saw the Greenwich Meridian Line and spent some time here, where we had awesome muffins, pastries and great coffee.

It was time to say goodbye to London! We started driving west towards Stonehenge. It is roughly about 85 miles from London to Stonehenge, and should take about 2 hours by car. As we reached closer, we got a glimpse of the Stonhenge from the road, standing tall and in a somewhat attractive way. Once we reached the parking lot, there was no sign of Stonehenge. It can be seen only from a very close distance. There were many buses to take us from the ticket gate upto the site, but we decided to walk the distance. And we were so glad we walked. It is a beautiful walk that takes around 20 minutes along a tar road with green field on one side and a golden yellow field on the other. Our little boy had lot of fun hiking up this road.

Once we reached the site, it was an amazing view! There is a serenity to the place. We just LOVED watching the Stones at the Stonehenge. We spent about one hour here, taking pictures, jumping, walking :)

On our way back we took the bus, shopped at the gift shop and hit the road. We had planned to visit Bath, which is about 35 miles from Stonehenge, but it was late evening and so we dropped the idea.

We started our journey northwards, driving to Cotswolds, which is around 70 miles from Stonehenge. We had booked a room at Premier Inn in the nearby town called Gloucestershire to stay for that night. It was one of the most scenic drives to Cotswolds. We stopped at a pub called Hungry Horse to have dinner before going to the hotel.

We woke up the next day and stepped out of the hotel. We went for a drive to the center of the city hoping to find a tea/coffee shop. Being a Sunday, none of the shops were open so early in the morning. The drive inside the town was very nice.

We got back to the hotel, had breakfast, freshened up and left the hotel. Cotswolds villages are very pretty with cute little old cottages and churches. We drove to Lavender Fields located in the Cotswolds area. We had a LOVELY time at the farm!! Was so much fun, again jumping, walking around, smelling the fresh lavender and taking pictures :) Had hot chocolate and lavender cakes at the tea shop here.


We continued our journey back north driving to Stratford upon Avon, Shakespeare's birth place, which was just 15 miles away from Cotswolds.We visited the great Shakespeare's house in Stratford, and roamed around a bit, had lunch opposite Shakespeare's house at Pattisserie Vaylerie restaurant, sitting on the street. 


Shakespeare's Home

Backyard of Shakespeare's Home

120 miles away from Startford is the world famous Cadbury World located in Bournville, Birmingham :) It was a nice drive and of course the Cadbury World was yummy :p We bought lots and lots of cadbury chocolates. One unique kind was "Mis shapes", anything that was not in the right shape was packed into these packets. It was super tasty!

We started our drive back home to NCL about 200 miles from Birmingham. We had dinner on the way at one of the services stop and reached NCL that night.

Monday was a break day before we traveled north from NCL. We packed and relaxed a bit in the morning, had an early lunch and headed out to the downtown of New Castle upon Tyne by train :) We stopped first at the University and roamed around in the campus. We then strolled across to the city center, window shopped a bit, ate strawberry icecream, and did some real shopping. 

New Castle city

The University

A and M played TT on a random TT table bolted to the floor in a busy shopping area and they said that there was a lot of "aero-dynamics" each time a bus passed by. They had a great time playing, while we shopped.

I loved the town :) Loved the old buildings and the architecture. We stopped at a lovely Italian place for a drink and snacks. We sat outside in the sun, chatting and enjoying the view outside. We walked around some more and then it was time for dinner. We headed back to the Italian restaurant - Jamie's and I am so GLAD we ate here. It was the yummiest Italian food I have ever eaten! Love LOVED the food - pasta/salad/pizza/chocolate brownie/coffee :) We returned home after dinner and got ready for the next day's trip.

Enjoying our drinks at Jamie's

Inside Jamie's

Yippe, it was time for our Scotland trip :) We left NCL early and started driving towards Scotland! The capital city of Scotland, Edinburgh is about 2.5 hours from New castle. As we were about to enter Scotland, we stopped at the Scottish-England border for a quick photo. There was a truck selling snacks. Given the kind of foodies we are, we had to eat there! We had egg and cheese baps :) It was very tasty! IRN BRU was a Scottish cola drink, so we had that as well.

After the quick stop, we drove to Edinburgh, enjoying the scenic views all along. There was "fringe festival" going on in the city, so the whole city wore a festive look! It was very colorful and musicy everywhere :). We parked in the city center, and walked to the Edinburgh Castle. We went inside the castle, and it was an amazing experience. I loved the history behind everything in the castle.

We had soup, desserts, some pasta and then walked around the castle for a couple of hours and took a ton of photos. The view from the castle to downtown was fantastic and so was the weather. After exploring the castle, we came out, and walked the Royal Mile, which had lots of small shops. We stopped at a small tea shop and had hot tea with scones! Down the road, the Fringe festival was going on, so we could see lot of street players and fun activities.

Edinburgh Castle

View of the city from the Castle

The Royal Mile Walk

We left Edinurgh and drove to a small town called Pitlochry, where we had booked a bed and breakfast place. We reached Pitlochry around 8pm, had dinner at a lovely restaurant called "Victoria's" and headed to our bed n breakfast - Ashbank House. It was a beautiful house with a stream running in the back yard. Our room was a loft on the top floor, with very cute windows overlooking the mountains/sky/moon. The bathroom was quite big with a bathtub overlooking huge windows. It was a cozy setup. We called it a night after having a nice cup of hot chocolate :)

We woke up early the next day, and went for a walk. We went down to the stream in their back yard. We walked north, towards the beautiful overlooking mountains. It was quiet everywhere, We walked for about 1 hour, then we came across a board that said "Moulin Hotel". I was soo excited to see the board, as it was recommended on lonely planet and I really wanted to try it out. By the time we reached the hotel, it had started drizzling. We went in and had a pot of tea! It was amazing, a small quaint town, a small tea shop and rain :) A perfect morning :) We got back to Ashbank house, and our breakfast was waiting for us. The specialty of the place was their "baked omelets". It was one of the best omelets I had tasted! The breakfast was super tasty. After having a hot cup of coffee, we freshened up and said bye to the owner lady.

View from our room window

Near the stream at the back of the house

Morning Walk

One of the pretty houses in Pitlochry

Moulin Hotel

We went directly to the Queen's view point from the bed and breakfast. It took us just 15 minutes to reach along a scenic drive. It was a gorgeous view of the Loch Tummel and mountains, on a rainy day. It was very very pretty over there, and it is definitely one of my favorite spots.We met an older couple here and we chatted with them for sometime. They were visiting from England and the husband was a golfer and had started a club called "hole in one club" who travel all over the world playing golf.

We had planned to drive to Rannoch Moor that day as it was supposed to be a very scenic drive. So we started from Queen's view, towards Rannoch, the road was along the loch (lake in Scottish) throughout. It was a lovely drive, very pretty and scenic! We stopped in between for a nice break at the lake. Our little one just went berserk in the COLD water. He played in the water for a very long time and like always, did not want to get out of the water!! One of the most peaceful places :)

Our pitstop :)

Rannoch is at the end of the road and the lake. There are just mountains beyond this point. If we had continued by feet for another 12 miles from Rannoch, trekking the mountains, we could have reached Glencoe, another picturesque town. There was a pretty and cute train station at Rannoch. We went inside the train station and visited the LOVELY tea shop inside. We were hungry and thirsty after the drive :) we really ordered everything that was on the menu!! And we were so glad that we did, because everything tasted sooooo YUMMY!!! We had the BEST scones, the best vegetable soup, the best everything!! And Tea :)

Station and the restaurant where we ate

After our lovely little fiesta, we headed back the same way till Queen's view, Pitlochry, and continued towards Loch Lomond. This was again a very beautiful drive, mainly next to lakes. We took a short break at one of the national parks, and went near the water. A picture perfect view! We sat on one of the ramps on the water, just watching the water, mountains, sky :) 

We had booked a bed and breakfast place called Barton in Balloch town in the Loch Lomond area. We reached the place around 7 pm. We freshened up quickly and strolled around the town, along the lake for a while. We had dinner at one of the local restaurants, The Balloch Hotel Inn, a nice cozy place. A tried the single malt – Ochentoshen at this place, as it was locally made. We all crashed in our rooms later on.

The next morning, we woke up early and went out for a walk. We went to the Balloch Castle, which is being renovated. The castle is located in the middle of a huge garden - Balloch Castle Country Park - very lush and green with old trees and overlooking the lake. We sat down on one of the benches in front of the castle, watching the birds fly over the lake, when one of the gardeners, who was walking, stopped by and told us the history behind the castle.

We got back to the bnb, freshened up, and had breakfast. We packed our bags and left the place around 10am. We drove to Balmaha, which was around 12 miles from Balloch. Our friends did the Balmaha walk, while we continued driving down the NARROW road that allowed just one car to pass by, along the lake. It was one of the most beautiful drives with the lake to our left and greenary to the right with pretty houses in between. There were few campsites along the way, where many people had camped along the lake. We went to the end of this road and stopped, there were many trails leading to different places, and we saw many backpackers. We got down from the car and sat near the Ben Lomond lake for a while watching families get out inflatable rafts, take dogs on walks and just staring at the lake and mountains. It was absolutely stunning!

Just few yards away from here, was a very old and local pub called Clansman, which was on the bank of the lake. We chilled out here for sometime, with our little boy dancing in the rain, and while we enjoyed a beer, sticky toffee pudding, mushroom Guinness soup, home made scones with clotted cream and coffee :) It was just PERFECT :)

Mushroom Guinness Soup

Sticky Toffee Pudding


We drove back to Balmaha and went to the Oak Tree Inn, which was recommended on Lonely planet. So as usual I was super excited to visit this place :) I bought a nice long postcard of Scotland at their giftshop. We went around the inn, and walked a bit near the lake, watching local people load their boats with goodies and rowing away and people  coming back after enjoying their picnic. We went back to the Oak Tree Inn and had a heavy yummy lunch sitting outside, overlooking the lake. The place is huge, and they have a very large seating area inside. It was packed.

Oak Tree Inn

It was time to say goodbye to Scotland. We started our journey back to New Castle, about 175 miles away.

Friday was the most adventurous day planned by us, activities in the water. We left home around 7.20am. We ate breakfast at home and had packed our lunch and snacks the previous night. We reached Ullswater lake around 9.30 am where we were greeted by Melanie and Ian from Eden Outdoors adventure. We parked our car, Ian put up a tent behind the car, where we changed. Melanie and Ian provided everything. We wore wetsuits waterproof outfits on top of the wetsuits and life jackets. They gave us shoes as well. They had a wetsuit and life jacket for our little one also :)  

We first did canoeing and our friends paddled the kayak. 2 canoes were tied together as one of us had to hold A2 and sit. It was fun and lil A was having a blast. We did canoeing till we reached a small island. We stopped here, and did a mini-rock climbing :) It was fun! And it was time for a lovely hot chocolate break. Melanie had got hot chocolate for us! Imagine having a hot drink on the banks of the lake! We switched places, D and I started kayaking from here. I absolutely LOVED it. It was sooo much FUN. We stopped in between, where A, M and Ar jumped into the water from a rock 15 feet above water level. We continued kayaking and canoeing. I kayaked most of the time. I cannot describe the beauty of the place, so I am just going to post pictures :D :) 

A lovely morning, we finished kayaking and canoeing and stopped for lunch. We ate our packed lunch sitting near the lake. It was time for GHYLL SCRAMBLING. We drove to another place called Hartstop. We parked the car, and geared up by wearing a helmet, water boots and safety harness and we already had our wetsuit and waterproof outfit.

We did the ghyll scrambling thru the Angle Tarn falls on Ullswater lake. There was loot of water and hence it was lot more fun. We started off at the base, walking in the water, and we gradually climbed up the water falls! It was crazy FUNNNN. We had to climb up the falls, by holding on to the vertical rocks, finding a grip with both our hands and legs, and pulling ourselves up. Very often, we used to stand right below the falling water :) The water was soo fresh :) I used to drink the water all along. At one stretch, we had to climb a completely vertical rock, with water falling in full force on the side. Ian, our guide, went up, and tied a rope to our harness as a safety precaution. And then one by one we all climbed up, It was really scary, because we had to find a place to hold our hands, and feet, and pull ourselves up, on a slippery rock! WOW, but we did it! At another point, we had to crawl on our knees, behind the water falls, with about 3 inches space, on the rock. This was my most scary moment :) We lay down in the water, we stood below the falls, we crawled, we pass thru the falls and sat in a very tiny cave and watched the water fall in front. It was an amazing experience, climbing thru the water falls, just amazing! Ian, our guide was super encouraging and great in guiding. We just trusted him and followed.
We got down via the mountain. We changed, and had hot chocolate and snacks that Melanie had got! It was sooo refreshing. We said bye to Melanie and Ian, and sat in the car. We drove a bit towards the Struggle drive, another picturesque drive. We stopped on the way, at Kirkstone Pass Inn that was found in 1496AD. The weather was perfect for a cold beer, we sat outside on the benches, watching the mountains, greenary, too tired to think anything, but just enjoying the nature.


We were all exhausted from the day's activities. So we started driving back. It was almost dinner time, so we stopped at a restaurant in a small town called The Hungry Horse.  Ate a lot and headed back home.

It was Saturday, and we were supposed to leave UK the next day. So we spent the morning packing. We weighed all the 3 suitcases, and realized that we had space for more shopping :) We went out to the shopping area and shopped a bit for chocolates and other stuff in Tesco, Next, Mothercare etc. I bought more strawberries to eat on the last day in UK :) D and I sneaked out late in the night around 11pm to see the Millennium bridge of NCL. It was very beautiful!

Millennium Bridge on River Tyne

The alarm rang too early, we headed to the airport, checked in our bags – 23, 23 and 23 kg!!!! Along with the car seat. We crashed on the plane and woke up at Heathrow airport.

Overall it was a PERFECT vacation for all 3 of us! The weather was perfect! The sun used to go down around 9pm, so we had more day light to see places :) I loved the history that the country carries in everything they have. They have maintained/restored as much as possible since 100s of years! We walked and walked everyday, the best way to explore any place! And WE GOT TO DO MANY THINGS FROM THE LIST IN LONELY PLANET BOOK :) The best part of the trip was that our little boy enjoyed as much as we did :) Yippeeee! 

I had forgotten the passwords to all my email accounts. That shows how much I have enjoyed for 15 days :D Felt really refreshed!!

I cannot thank our friends enough! Thanks a loooooot D, M and A. You guys made our stay really wonderful! Thanks for taking time off for us and a big THANKS for everything you did for us.

Thanks S, V and S. You guys are the best! You are really on my most favorite people in the world list :D :) Thanks for the VIP 10 star treatment :)