
 I heard a character in a serial say "having a child is like watching your heart walk outside you"! I was stuck at this as it describes the feeling accurately! No one could have expressed it better! 

During the initial years of my writing blogs, I used to write about parenting. But I have not touched the subject in a very long time. I guess most of my generation agrees that it is like a roller coaster ride. I am specifically pointing out my generation because before our generation, most of our parents and ancestors used to have at least 10 or more children and sail through life. Of course there were challenges, but they accepted those challenges and lived life. Our generation has 1 or 2 children and are juggling between 100s of emotions as a parent. It makes me wonder if we are over analyzing everything because we don't have anything else to do. 

There is always a dilemma of whether -

to let children be or advice them

to be like a friend or like a parent

be strict or lenient

to say yes or no

to always say positive things

to watch our words and not utter negative words lest it scars them for life

- the list is endless. We have been told now that all our struggles are because of the experiences we have had as a child, because of the negative words we have heard as children etc. But honestly whether we had a great childhood or a tough childhood, each one of us turned out exactly the way we were supposed to turn out. Though we can easily blame someone else for our life, we are responsible for the way we are.

From what I see, the new generation children are resilient, confident, bold. So I think they are fine and will be fine. It is us, adults who need to take a step back and just observe the children and nudge them when needed. That way we get to enjoy the roller coaster ride 😊